Priority Plymouth CAAP

With Priority Plymouth, our town's first Climate Action Roadmap, we will work together to build a sustainable and resilient future for all.   

To realize that future, we must:  

1) Reduce our greenhouse gas emissions 

2) Adapt to the impacts of climate change

The goals, strategies, and actions in our roadmap will be organized into 5 key focus areas.  

We all have a role to play in ensuring a healthy and vital future for our community.  Click on drop down menus in each focus area to discover easy and important actions you can take today!

Focus Area:  Building, Energy, Infrastructure

What you can do...

Focus Area:  Health, Safety &   Preparedness

What you can do...

Focus Area:  Transportation

What you can do...

Focus Area:  Natural Systems

What you can do...

Focus Area:  Waste

What you can do...