
                                                                                  August 2024    SP 9

“August is a great month in the garden, with many flowers, including dahlias, sunflowers and other hot-colored blooms at their peak.” – BBC Gardeners’ World Magazine

We are excited to report at our social event on August 1st in the Cabana we had 25 enthusiastic residents learn about and celebrate composting at The Pinehills.  The invited guests were honored as “champion composters” and shared their experiences with each other, while enjoying Prosecco and desserts as well as a short video entitled "The 10 Benefits of Composting.” It was a positive, friendly atmosphere enjoyed by all. If you missed this event and want to learn more about Black Earth, please contact Pam Russell at  A big thank you to Jean and Steve Eichberg for making this a big success.   


Upcoming events:                    

Science of the South Shore: The Summer Night Sky will be presented at the Manomet Branch Library at 12 Strand Avenue Plymouth on Wednesday August 7th from 3pm to 4pm. Join us as we cool off with a Mass Audubon educator and learn all about the summer night sky - what constellations are visible, what planets you can see this summer, and more!

Wednesday Walks at Tidmarsh are held every Wednesday from 10-11:30am at 60 Beaver Dam Road. Hear about Tidmarsh's successful wetlands restoration, view the sanctuary's native plant and animal species, and learn what is in store for the future.

Please join us on August 20th at 4:15 in the Cabana to hear from Mike Cahill, Climate Resiliency and Sustainability Planner for the town of Plymouth, about the town’s Climate Action and Adaptation Plan (CAAP). This comprehensive plan is the result of two years of collaborative efforts amongst a broad range of town representatives.  It lays out important steps that we can all take to ensure a thriving, healthy future for our community. And there will be door prizes!

On your next trip to the Stonebridge Club look for the new Pollinator Perennial Garden. It is between the Cabana and the Stonebridge Club on the left side. This is a collaborative project between Sustainable Pinehills and Egan Landscaping Group. Sustainable Pinehills purchased the plants and Egan provided the labor. Egan will also maintain the garden. The perennial garden is a first small step towards establishing several pollinator pathways throughout the Pinehills.

We are grateful to each and every one of you for your continued interest and support. Please continue to send your thoughts and 

ideas. Remember no idea is stupid.  We are looking for “can do” people who would be interested in joining working groups to zero 

in on various undertakings.

Please be sure to visit our website. You’ll be surprised at all the information there!  If you are interested in joining Sustainable 

Pinehills or have questions, please email us.

Reduce,Reuse,Recycle Right 

Sustainable Pinehills